The Truth About Obamacare

The arguments offered for and against Obamacare are overdone and reflect more the current unconscious differences between the American political parties (see other posts) than the most relevance part of it: It moves us toward a single payer system.

First, who is the single payer? The federal government.

Second, what does this mean? It means socialized medicine.

Third, why does that matter? Because it lowers quality of healthcare.

Fourth, why does it lowers quality of healthcare? Because it just does. See the socialized systems of Europe, Canada–and America. For the latter, see the VA system and ask veterans about it.

So, while the Democrats say we have to cover the helpless uncovered, and the Republicans say it costs too much, they both miss the point. The point is that if we let the government run healthcare, healthcare will be less for all.

How will this occur? It will occur by rationing, by disorganization, and, most of all, by history. That’s just how governments work: inefficiently. Remember, those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

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