Rick Santorum was just in the right place at the right time. The question is how he got there–and whether he’ll stay.

The Republican Party’s conservative base has shopped conservative candidates all through the pre-primary season. They are like an apartment shopper or a car shopper or a mate shopper. There is a choice, Romney, but it’s not perfect. So, let’s just test drive or date some others.

Romney’s reputation is for competence. He can be charismatic, maybe. He is, however, not conservative enough for the real conservatives. So, they test drove/dated Bachmann. Not enough pep. Then it was Cain. Too much pep. Then Perry. Also not enough pep. Next it was Gingrich. Too much pepper. Then it was…Santorum, and the Iowa caucuses voted just then. So, Santorum was in the right place at the right time.

What will be of Rick Santorum? Well, if Romney is smart, he’ll not demolish him by uncovering his skeletons. That’s because Romney still needs someone to split the conservative vote, allowing him, with his moderate McCain strategy to stay out in front.

In New Hampshire, Romney won’t have to worry. However, in South Carolina, he needs someone to take votes from Gingrich–and Perry, if he stays in the race.

We’ll see.


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