
Comments may be left by anyone for any post.


Letters To The Editor:

More lengthy responses to posts may be left by using the Comments system. Label comments: “Letter to the Editor.” They should be less than 250 words, related to a specific post, though they can generalize, and the author’s name and link should be left. We’ll contact the author to be sure the name attached to the letter belongs to its true author. Thus, put your contact information in it. If you only want to be identified by your email address, put it in, so we can verify it was you who wrote the letter. If you want your name attached the letter, include you name and phone or other means of verifying you are you. If we get confused, we’ll just email you to straighten it out.


Op-Ed Pieces:

More lengthy and broader op-ed pieces may be submitted for approval by the editor. If approved, they will be entered in the Post system. The author may request the piece be near a particular archived post or be a new post. Name, phone number, email address, and website should be included. Just put your op-ed piece into a comments box and label it, “Op-Ed”. We’ll contact you, to be sure the piece was not submitted by someone else posing as you.

Return Policy:

Purchases made from this site may be returned for any reason within 30 days. Purchases of items listed on this site but accessed via a link to another site, such as Amazon.com, shall be dealt with according to the linked site with respect to returns and other customer service matters.