Gaming The Unemployment Game

As most people are not unemployed, most people have no idea how the unemployment game works. To understand it, let’s look at how unemployment benefits worked prior to the Internet age.

Way back then, anyone qualifying for unemployment benefits had to show he or she was looking for work. Each week they would have to come to the unemployment office IN PERSON, stand in an ONEROUS line, and, when finally at the front, show the agent three forms signed by owners who turned them down for work that week. In other words, they had to demonstrate they were actually looking for work, not just gaming the system. And, boy was that tough.

In the Internet age, it’s a lot different. People apply online, check in online, and say whether they actually looked for work online. None of that IN PERSON, IN LINE, three  signatures onerous stuff anymore. One could be in Italy and check in, never having actually looked for work. All you had to do was say you were. Click.

Well, just think what would happen if the unemployment department’s website went down, say for a week, or just in some places. Why, that would mean people would have to stop by the office, IN PERSON, and wait IN LINE to show they actually looked for a job and were unable to get one.

What would happen is that many of the people who were not serious about looking for a job and did not need the money all that much would just not go down to the unemployment office IN PERSON and stand IN LINE, that onerous line.

Then, of course, with less people getting unemployment benefits, the unemployment rate would drop. Let me say that again. With less people getting unemployment benefits, the unemployment rate would drop.

So, if it has not dawned on you yet, the unemployment game can be gamed.

Watch closely, as the election approaches, for any glitches in the unemployment department’s website. It may just decide the election!

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One Response to Gaming The Unemployment Game

  1. Brenda Winston says:

    You got part of that correct about what goes in on the actual unemployment office.
    People do not only check in online but can also do it by telephone and the system on a few occasions has gone down. It only took a day or two to get it back up and running.
    You haven’t seen the lines in the actual unemployment offices and the lack of staff involved. You get a number assigned to you and then you WAIT and WAIt to talk to the one person who will tell you if you have any additional benefits due to you or if your benefits have been depleted. The amount of money that would be needed to hire staff to go back to the “old” way of showing up with signed statements would be enormous. Also, don’t be naive to think that doing things the old ways were all on the “up and up”. There were many ways to get around showing where you DID look for work and got rejected.
    I was involved with people on unemployment benefits for many years and believe me you are not correct in your observation and statement.

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